Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The contribution is original, unpublished, and is not being considered for publication by another journal.
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.
- URLs for accessing the references were informed, when possible.
- The text is formatted with 1.5 spacing, font size 12 (main text), page size A4, and 2.0 cm margins; for highlights, use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are in adequate resolution.
- The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines Submissions section.
- Proof of payment for the submission is sent to (payment details are provided below).
- Research is aligned and compliant with open science practices.
- All data, program codes, and other materials that were used or generated in the research are properly referenced.
Author Guidelines
Acceptede articles categories:
The journal O Mundo da Saúde has expanded its submission guidelines to include a broader range of academic and scientific contributions, reflecting its commitment to advancing knowledge in the health field. This initiative aims to facilitate the dissemination of critical analyses and updated syntheses on relevant topics for the scientific and professional community within the following categories:
a) Original Article
Original articles must contain up to 3,500 words, except for justifiable exceptions, excluding abstracts, tables, figures, and references.
- Maximum number of tables and figures: 5
- Recommended maximum number of references: 30
- Abstracts: Must follow the structured format, with up to 300 words.
b) Short Communication
Brief communications consist of concise reports on findings of interest to multidisciplinary health, which do not allow for a more comprehensive analysis or an in-depth discussion.
- Formatting must follow the same guidelines as original articles.
- Must contain up to 1,500 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures, and references, except for justifiable exceptions).
- Abstracts: Must follow the narrative format, with up to 200 words.
c) Review Articles
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses present a synthesis of original quantitative or qualitative studies to answer a relevant question for multidisciplinary health. The article must describe in detail the study search process, selection criteria, and synthesis procedures of the results. The following guidelines are recommended:
- MOOSE (checklist and flowchart for meta-analyses and systematic reviews of observational studies).
- PRISMA (checklist and flowchart for systematic reviews and meta-analyses).
Narrative or Critical Review
This type of review has a descriptive-discursive nature, dedicated to exploring and discussing relevant scientific topics in multidisciplinary health. It must include a clear formulation of the study object, logical argumentation, a critical theoretical-methodological analysis of the reviewed literature, and a conclusive synthesis. These articles should be written by experienced researchers or recognized experts in the field.
- Maximum length: 5,000 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures, and references, except for justifiable exceptions).
- Maximum number of tables and figures: 5
- Number of references: unlimited
- Abstracts: May be structured (up to 300 words) or narrative (up to 150 words).
d) Comments
Comments aim to stimulate discussion, introduce debates, and foster controversies on topics relevant to multidisciplinary health. The text should be organized into topics or sub-items, with an introduction highlighting the relevance of the topic. References should support the main arguments presented.
- Maximum length: 2,500 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures, and references, except for justifiable exceptions).
- Maximum number of tables and figures: 5
- Recommended maximum number of references: 30
- Abstracts: Must follow the narrative format, with up to 250 words.
The evaluation process of the journal O Mundo da Saúde employs a double-blind peer review system, ensuring the confidentiality of authors' and reviewers' identities. However, in alignment with the principles of Open Science, the journal is intensifying its efforts to engage authors and reviewers in making reviews public, as well as disclosing the names of associate editors involved in the evaluation process. The possibility of publishing the identities of corresponding authors, reviewers, and associate editors is considered, provided there is express consent from all parties involved.
Additionally, the journal accepts submissions of articles previously published in preprint repositories and is advancing the implementation of diversity reports involving authors, reviewers, and editors, aiming for greater transparency and inclusivity. Recognizing that the publication fee of R$ 55.00 per final edited page may pose a barrier, the journal exempts authors who lack financial resources from this charge, as is already the case for many submissions from Brazilian institutions without funding and from countries in Latin America and Africa, reinforcing its commitment to equity in access to scientific publishing.
The journal also encourages the availability of data related to published research, which can be submitted as supplementary material, ensuring greater accessibility, reproducibility, and impact of the disseminated scientific investigations.
This expansion of categories and guidelines aims to encourage the submission of works that promote scientific knowledge advancement and contribute to enriching discussions in the health field.
Publication cost:
The journal O Mundo da Saúde requires a payment of a submission fee (upon submission) and publication fee (after approval).
For submission, a non-refundable payment of R$ 55.00 (fifty-five reais) is required.
For publication, after approval of the article, the cost is R$ 55.00 (fifty-five reais) per final edited page.
Payment details are:
Bank: Santander (033)
Agency: 0389
Checking account: 13003134-1
Recipient: União Social Camiliana
CNPJ: 58.250.689/0004-35
Manuscript preparation:
- A maximum of 07 (seven) authors per article are accepted, not including due exceptions.
- The insertion of new authors will not be accepted (under any circumstances), during or after the article review process. Only those included when the article on the platform was submitted will be considered authors.
- Bibliographical references must be limited to 40 (forty), not including due exceptions.
- The document to be submitted must be saved in a doc extension, in Times New Roman font, size 12 (main text), spacing 1.5, and A4 page size, with all margins being 2.0 cm.
- To avoid the recognition of the author(s) by the referees, the document containing the complete manuscript must not contain any information about the authorship of the work. Therefore, all personal information must be removed from the “Properties” of the file.
- Texts written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish are accepted.
- The items comprising the manuscript must be arranged on a separate page, in the following sequence: Cover Page (separate file from the rest); abstract and keywords; main text; acknowledgments (if any); references. Below are specific details on the composition of each of these items.
Manuscript Items:
This is the identification page of the manuscript being submitted and must be sent in a separate file. It must contain the data of the authors and other information identifying the article:
- Title of the article: In lowercase letters, complete, and incorporating a supplementary title or subtitle, if necessary. It must respect the limit of 95 characters, including spaces, being as informative and concise as possible (it is recommended that the title include an indication of the results of the study).
- Author identification:
- Name of each author in full, without abbreviations.
- Institutional affiliation, including department/sector, institution, city, state, and country of operation.
- The ORCID of all authors.
- Mailing address of the author responsible for submitting the manuscript (first author).
- Electronic address (e-mail) of all authors.
- Other information:
- Author contributions: The contribution of each author to the article must be made explicit at the time of submission (Example: “LYR analyzed and interpreted the data and was one of the main contributors to writing the manuscript. EB performed the statistical analysis, contributed to the writing of the manuscript and was the author who submitted the manuscript."). Note: O Mundo da Saúde adopts the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) specification system, maintained by the Consortia for Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI). CRediT considers 14 different authorship or contribution roles: Project Administration; Formal Analysis; Conceptualization; Data Curation; Writing – First Drafting; Writing – Revision and Editing; Research; Methodology; Obtaining Funding; Resources; Software; Supervision; Validation; and Visualization. (Regardless of contribution and registration system, all authors are equally responsible for the article).
- If the research has received assistance, mention the name of the funding agency and the respective process number.
- If the manuscript is the result of a thesis, indicate the author's name, title, year, and institution where it was presented.
- In case there are interests to be declared (as specified in the “Policy on Conflict of Interest” section on the journal page), the declaration must be made.
* The following items must appear in the same file, containing the complete manuscript and starting with the title of the article.
- Structured abstract in Portuguese and English, with a maximum of 250 words, summarizing the introduction, objective of the study, methodology, results, discussion, and most important conclusions. The text must be written sequentially, in a single paragraph.
- Keywords: from three to five descriptors, using BIREME's Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), or, if in English, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
- What it is: A graphical abstract is a visual representation of the study's main findings or concepts. It combines images, diagrams, and minimal text to convey the essence of the research in an engaging and easily digestible format.
- Purpose: Graphical abstracts are designed to attract readers' attention and provide a quick, visual understanding of the research. They are particularly useful for sharing on social media, presentations, or in journals that prioritize visual content.
- Structure: A graphical abstract typically includes:
- A central visual element (e.g., a diagram, flowchart, or illustration);
- Key findings or processes summarized in a few words or phrases;
- A clear connection between the visual and the research's main message.
For example, a graphical abstract for a study on a new drug delivery system might include:
- An illustration of nanoparticles targeting cancer cells.
- A brief description of the mechanism of action.
- A summary of the results (e.g., "Increased drug efficacy by 30%").
- What it is: Highlights are concise bullet points that summarize the most important findings or contributions of the research. They are typically short, clear, and focused, providing a quick overview of the study's key takeaways.
- Purpose: Highlights help readers quickly understand the core aspects of the paper without having to read the entire article. They are especially useful for busy researchers or those scanning multiple papers.
- Structure: Each highlight is usually limited to 85 characters (including spaces) and focuses on one key point. For example:
- "Novel method for synthesizing graphene at room temperature."
- "Identified a new biomarker for early cancer detection."
- "Demonstrated a 20% increase in energy efficiency in solar cells."
- The article must have up to 30,000 characters with spaces, excluding abstract, tables, graphs, illustrations, and references.
- This must be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 12 (main text), 1.5 spacing, and A4 page size, with all margins being 2.0 cm. In highlights, use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses).
- This should be structured according to the following organization: Introduction (presentation of justification, objectives, and theoretical references); Methodology (case series and procedures); Results; Discussion; Conclusion (in addition to the References, which appear in the following item).
- All titles and subtitles of the sections must be written in capital letters.
- Abbreviations and symbols: If any, they must be incorporated into the manuscript in a standardized way, followed by the respective legends.
- Tables, graphs, charts, and figures: They must be incorporated into the manuscript, with the title "Figure" and the following information: title, source, year, and additional data, if any, numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals, according to the order of citation in the text.
- Illustrations must be in high resolution, with at least 300 dpi.
- If there is an illustration extracted from another previously published work, the author(s) must present written authorization for its reproduction.
- If images of people are used, they will only be published if accompanied by written authorization for disclosure.
- Mathematical formulas, expressions, and equations: Can be inserted in the text, if they do not contain special characters; otherwise, they must be presented separately, on a separate line.
- Units of measurement: Must be presented in accordance with the International System of Units.
They must be included when essential for the understanding of the article. The Reviewers and Editors will make the final decision to keep them in the publication or not. We recommend and encourage the citation, referencing, and declaration of data availability for underlying research data (numerical data files, computer application codes, documents, and other content) associated with the articles.
It should be specified in the body of the article, before the Acknowledgments, the contribution of each author in the submitted article.
At the end of the manuscript, acknowledgments can be inserted, highlighting: the contributions of professionals for technical guidance and/or financial or material support, specifying their nature. Those cited in the acknowledgments must expressly authorize their mention. The authors must be responsible, by signing a specific form, for this authorization.
- All references mentioned in the text must be indicated.
- The indicated references must have actually been mentioned in the text.
- Must be limited to 40 (forty), no including due exceptions.
- They must be presented according to the “Guidelines for publishing references in scientific articles in the health area”, according to the Vancouver standards, exemplified in the section “Rules for citations and references”, below.
General rule of citation in the text:
- Literal quotes must be identified using double quotes.
- Each citation in the text must be indicated with a superscript number, which will correspond to a reference listed at the end of the text.
According to Silva1, the Zica virus proliferated rapidly in the North and Northeast regions due to the precarious conditions of the vast majority of the population.
Several populations of pathogenic bacteria can be found in water13,14.
General rules for submitting references:
The main types of referencing are exemplified below, according to the norms adopted by the journal. For cases not listed here, follow the Vancouver norms.
To reference articles from journals following the Vancouver Standards, you must first insert the name of the author(s), followed by the title of the article in question, the journal where it was published, the year of publication, the volume, and the page numbers (starting and ending).
Author/s. Article title. International abbreviation of the journal. year; volume (number): initial-final page of the article.
Barbieri E, Bondioli AC, Woicechovski E, Zapotoski SMK. Microbiological quality of cultivation water used for oysters marketed in Cananeia-SP, Brazil. Mundo Saúde. 2012; 36(4): 541-547.
Silva J. Zica: what it is, how it emerged and its main consequences within Brazilian public health. Rev. Health Focus. 2017; 35; 1102-1111.
(Note: In the case of articles with more than six authors, the surname of the one who appears first in the journal should be used, followed by the abbreviation “et al.”. When the cited article has up to six authors, all must appear in the citation, in the same order as they appear in the original publication.)
In the case of online journals, to make the reference following the Vancouver Norms, it is necessary to insert the name of the author(s), followed by the title of the article, the name of the journal where it was published, the year/date of publication, year/date consulted, journal volume, page numbering (initial and final), and electronic address.
Author/s of the article. Article title. Journal name, year [consultation date]; volume (number): [Extent/pages]. E-mail.
Silva E A, da Silva P R S. Microbiological investigation of pet saliva. Rev Saúde Foco [Internet] November 1, 2014; accessed January 25, 2017; Available at:
French I, Barandiarán M, Marcellán T, Moreno L. Psycho-cognitive stimulation in dementia. An Sist Sanit Navar [Internet magazine] 2003 September-December. [accessed October 19, 2005]; 26(3). Available at:
To reference journals following the Vancouver Standards, in addition to the name of the author(s) and the name of the article, it is also necessary to insert the name of the journal where it was published, as well as the year of publication, followed by the section, the page and column number, if any.
Author of the article. Article title. Newspaper name. Day month year; Section: page (column).
Almeida L. Cresce a procura por planos particulares de saúde em todo o Brasil. Folha Brasil. January 30, 2016; Health Section: 8-9.
Montagnier L. Perigos e consciência. Folha de São Paulo. January 30, 2000; Caderno Mais: 8-9.
To reference books following the Vancouver Standards, you must enter the name of the author(s), the title of the publication, the edition of the book, the place where it was published, the publisher, and the year.
(Note: It is only necessary to inform the identification number of the edition starting from the second edition onwards, using an abbreviation in Arabic numerals and abbreviation (example: 2nd ed.). If the publication has more than one volume, it is also necessary to inform the volume number right after the book title.)
Silva J. Respiratory diseases in Brazil. 9th ed., Vol. 4. Sao Paulo: Atlas; 2014.
To reference electronic books (e-books), it is necessary to insert the name of the author(s), followed by the title of the book, the edition of the work, the place where it was published, the year of publication, the date of access to the content, and, finally, the electronic address.
Armus D. Disease in the History of Modern Latin America: From Malaria to AIDS [electronic book]. Duke University Press. 2003. Accessed on February 15, 2017. DOI
In the case of publications on the web (articles, tables, etc.), to make the reference follow the Vancouver norms, it is necessary to insert the name of the author(s), followed by the title of the material, the year of publication, the date of access, and, finally, of the electronic address.
Silva J. Hypertension: the picture of the disorder in Brazil. [web publication]; 2012. Accessed on April 14, 2017. Available at
Do not confuse the referencing of an online publication with that of a website. In the first case, you will directly reference the material in question; in the second, the portal as a whole will be referenced.
In this case, it is necessary to insert the name of the author(s) or entity, followed by the name of the portal, the place of publication, the date of access, and the electronic address. If there are specific sections you want to reference, include their name right after the site title.
Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques [website]. Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques – Histoire [accessed March 27, 2005]. Available at:
In many academic or scientific works, referring to legal documents is required. In this case, it is necessary to insert the title (law, decree, order, provisional measure, etc.), followed by the name of the official bulletin where the publication is located, the number, and date of publication. If the document is available online, also insert the electronic address.
Title of law/decree/order… (Name of Official Gazette, number, date of publication)
Brazil. Law n. 11.346 of September 15, 2006. The National Food and Nutrition Security System – SISAN is created with a view to ensuring the human right to adequate food and other measures. Official Diary of the Union. September 2006. Available at:
Brazil. Law n. 11.346 of September 15, 2006. The National Institute of Food and Nutrition creates the National Program for the Control of Vitamin A Deficiencies and other measures. Official Diary of the Union. September 15, 2006.
It is also very common to use information from an online database. In this case, to follow the Vancouver Norms, it is necessary to insert the name of the institution or entity responsible for the material, followed by the name of the database, the place of publication, the publisher, the date of creation, as well as the date of consultation, and of the electronic address.
Brazilian Literature on Mental Health [online database]. São Paulo: Brazilian Center on Mental Health. 2016. Accessed on January 21, 2017. Available at:
To reference maps in academic and scientific articles in the field of health, it is necessary to insert the name of the author(s), followed by the title of the figure, the place where it was published, the publisher, as well as the date of publication. If it is available online, also enter the electronic address.
Institute of Geography of Brazil. Regions of Paraná [map]. São Paulo: Institute of Geography of Brazil; 2015 (reference number).
It is also possible to reference audiovisual materials, such as documentaries, audiobooks, etc. To do this, it is necessary to insert the name of the author(s), followed by the title of the audiovisual material, the place where it was published, the publisher, and the year of publication. If it is available online, also insert the electronic address and date of access.
Silva F. Health in Brazil calls for help. Health in focus [video] São Paulo: World; 2013. Accessed on April 14, 2017. Available at
Author. Title. (subtitle if any) Type of document. City: Institution where it was defended; year.
Nunes AMT. The approach to the rapture of the Church analyzed from a premillennial Christian point of view. Belo Horizonte: Institute of Continuing Education at PUC Minas, 2006. Undergraduate Thesis in Sciences of Religion.
Type of publication, number, and name of the event; date of event (day month year); City and country where the event is held. City of publication: Publisher or Institution responsible for the publication; edition year (not always the same as the event).
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Brazilian Youth; June 16-18, 2010; Belo Horizonte (MG): PUC Minas; 2011.
*(Guidelines for authors updated 03/2025.)
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The names and addresses informed to the journal O Mundo da Saúde will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or third parties.