Editorial Process

All work submitted to the journal is preliminarily evaluated by the Editorial Board. If it is approved in the initial screening, it is sent to at least two expert reviewers in the respective area of coverage, so that they can assess the scientific quality of the article. Publication only takes place after approval of the document by the reviewers, with the Editorial Board of O Mundo da Saúde making the final decision concerning acceptance.

The evaluation process used by the Editorial Board of O Mundo da Saúde is the blind peer-review system, that is, the confidentiality of the identity of the authors and reviewers is maintained throughout the process (blind review). There are the option to make the identities of corresponding authors and reviewers public when both parties agree to it. The Editorial Board guarantees that the reviewers of each article must be from institutions of origin other than the institutions to which the authors are linked. The comments and reviews by reviewers on approved manuscripts can be published, either with or without the disclosure of the reviewers' identities, as long as both the corresponding author and the reviewer have given their approval. The author or evaluator must write a statement allowing identification.

Other information:

  • Upon submission, a non-refundable deposit of US 10 (ten dolares) is required. For publication, the cost is US 10 (ten dolares) per edited final page. The cost of publishing an article is approximately 100 American dollars.
  • The journal's editorial process is planned to ensure a continuous publication flow and is open to the continuous submission of manuscripts.
  • The journal's editorial process aims to be aligned with and progressively updated with open science practices.
  • Manuscript reviewers must have at least a Doctoral degree or recognized knowledge.
  • In the evaluation, the works must obtain two favorable opinions to be considered approved. Therefore, they are submitted for evaluation by at least two reviewers, who may be members of the Editorial Board or indicated by them. When there are divergent opinions, the article is submitted to a third reviewer for evaluation.
  • When necessary, the article will be returned to the author(s) for changes/corrections. The deadline for returning the corrected version by the author(s) will be 15 days for each review, a process that may occur more than once if the reviewers deem it necessary. If the deadline for correction is not met, the process will be automatically canceled.
  • The journal reserves the right to make normative, spelling, and grammatical changes in the original manuscripts, with a view to maintaining the cultured standard of the language, respecting the author's style. Final proofs are not returned to the authors.
  • Approved manuscripts are published in the original submission language and in English.
  • Published works become the property of O Mundo da Saúde, with their total or partial reprint subject to the expressed authorization of the magazine's management.
  • Opinions expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.
  • In the magazine's table of contents, the sequence of articles follows the alphabetical order of the major areas to which they belong and then the alphabetical order of the main titles.