Association of body image with the consumption of sugary drinks and nutritional status in adolescents

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044630641


  • Frederico Souzalima Caldoncelli Franco Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais. Rio Pomba/MG, Brasil.
  • Renan Antunes Faria Carraro Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais. Rio Pomba/MG, Brasil.
  • Thalita Azevedo Cabral Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais. Rio Pomba/MG, Brasil.
  • Juliana Santos Marques Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais. Rio Pomba/MG, Brasil.


Body Image, Carbonated Drinks, Body Mass Index, Vocational Education.


The consumption of sugary drinks has increased and may affect weight and body image; however, little is known about
the relationship of body satisfaction with the intake of these drinks. This study aimed to evaluate the association of
body image with the consumption of sugary drinks and nutritional status in adolescents. 42 students of an integrated
technical education were evaluated according to the silhouette scale, consumption of sugary drinks, and anthropometric
parameters. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Chi-squared tests and categorized by body satisfaction. Most
adolescents were eutrophic (83.3%) but showed a high level of body image dissatisfaction (boys: 65.2% and girls:
63.1%). Sugary drinks are consumed by 73.8 to 88.1% of those evaluated. Artificial juice and soft drinks were the most
consumed beverages for 2-5x/week at school for having a pleasant taste and practicality and were predominantly
ingested by adolescents dissatisfied with being overweight. According to the silhouette scale, 52.4% of students
reported body image equal to the BMI/age classification, however, 33.3% overestimated and 14.3% underestimated
their body image. Girls showed a higher overweight estimate than boys (42.1 vs. 26.1%). Body weight, BMI and waist
and abdomen circumferences were greatest in overweight students, as well as being associated with dissatisfaction
with overweight. It was concluded that artificial juice and soda were the most consumed sugary drinks by adolescents
dissatisfied with being overweight. Overestimation of body image was presented at a high level, suggesting the need for
educational intervention in this population.


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How to Cite

Souzalima Caldoncelli Franco, F. ., Antunes Faria Carraro, R. ., Azevedo Cabral, T. ., & Santos Marques, J. (2020). Association of body image with the consumption of sugary drinks and nutritional status in adolescents: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044630641. O Mundo Da Saúde, 44, 630–641. Retrieved from