Receptivity and Factors Associated with Cervical Cancer Preventive Measures in a Capital City of Northern Brazil

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044454464


  • Natália Laísa Fulanetti dos Santos Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Palmas/TO, Brasil.
  • Laís Rodrigues Valadares Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Palmas/TO, Brasil.
  • Amanda Teixeira de Melo Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Palmas/TO, Brasil.
  • Janaína Cardozo Gomes Ferreira Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Palmas/TO, Brasil.
  • Maria Sortênia Alves Guimarães Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Palmas/TO, Brasil.
  • Leila Rute Oliveira Gurgel do Amaral Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Palmas/TO, Brasil.
  • Talita Buttarello Mucari Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT. Palmas/TO, Brasil.


Cervical neoplasms, Papillomaviridae, Pap test, Papillomavirus vaccines. INTRODUCTION


Cervical Cancer is an important public health problem, especially in the North of Brazil, although there is vast academic
knowledge about its pathophysiology and preventive measures. This study evaluated receptivity to the HPV vaccine
and adherence to the Cervical Cancer Prevention exam (CCP) among Primary Care users in the city of Palmas, TO, in
addition to identifying the socio-cultural factors and knowledge about HPV and vaccination associated with these forms
of prevention. This was a quantitative cross-sectional study, with a stratified sample of 664 users, between 18 and 60
years old, from 30 Community Health Centers in the city of Palmas, TO. For association of variables, the chi-square
test was adopted, with a significance level of 5%. HPV vaccine receptivity by users was 84.79% (n=563), while filial
receptivity was 91.85% (n=575). Adherence to the CCP was 66.93% among the women surveyed (n=336). Inadequate
knowledge about HPV and the vaccines was 70.34% (n=408) and 43.97% (n=266), respectively. Adequate knowledge
about the virus and the HPV vaccination was associated with greater receptivity to filial vaccination (p=0.009 and
p=0.001, respectively) and adherence to CCP (p=0.007 and p<0.001), which confirms the importance of education in
health in disease prevention.


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How to Cite

Laísa Fulanetti dos Santos, N. ., Rodrigues Valadares, L. ., Teixeira de Melo, A. ., Cardozo Gomes Ferreira, J., Sortênia Alves Guimarães, M., Rute Oliveira Gurgel do Amaral, L. ., & Buttarello Mucari, T. . (2020). Receptivity and Factors Associated with Cervical Cancer Preventive Measures in a Capital City of Northern Brazil: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044454464. O Mundo Da Saúde, 44, 454–464. Retrieved from