Scientific papers on intoxications by pesticides in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200832.3.1


  • Maria Clara Coelho Camara Nutricionista. Mestranda do Programa de Saúde Pública da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Leila Costa Bióloga e Advogada. Mestranda do Programa de Saúde Pública da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.
  • Carmem L. C. Marinho Pesquisadora do CESTEH/ENSP/FIOCRUZ.
  • Maria Cristina R. Guilam Pesquisadora do CESTEH/ENSP/FIOCRUZ.


Poisoning. Pollution indicators. Pesticides.


We did an analysis of the scientific production on intoxication by pesticides in the mountain region of the Rio de Janeiro.
For such, we used journals available in the Virtual Library of Health in the period from 1995 to 2005. Using the technique of content
analysis, two central categories were identified: perception of risk of intoxication and factors linked to human and environmental intoxications
by pesticides. We concluded that, despite the existence of a reduced number of studies on the region, it presents a significant
human and environmental contamination by pesticides.


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How to Cite

Coelho Camara, M. C. ., Costa, L. ., L. C. Marinho, C., & R. Guilam, M. C. . (2008). Scientific papers on intoxications by pesticides in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200832.3.1. O Mundo Da Saúde, 32(3), 268–274. Retrieved from