Saccadic movements during reading of text in children and university professors considered good readers

Doi: 10.15343/0104-7809.200832.2.2


  • Juliana Emy Yokomizo Bolsista de Iniciação científica PIBIC/MackPesquisa do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
  • Katerina Lukasova Mestre em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento. Docente da Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul.
  • Daniel Sá Roriz Fonteles Mestre em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento.
  • Elizeu Coutinho de Macedo Doutor em Psicologia Experimental e Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.


Children. Reading. Saccadic movements.


The present study evaluated 4-grade children and university professors considered good readers in a computerized test of text
reading. Trajectories of eye movements obtained during reading made possible to compare the two groups regarding the number of regressive
saccades; type of regressive saccade - that could be intra-word or inter-word; and grammatical classification of words that suffered regression.
Results show that children presented a higher number of regressive saccades than university professors. Both groups carried out more inter-word
regressions to the word immediately antecedent to the last fixation than intra-word regressions. The two groups carried out more intra-words
regressive saccades in the following word types: nouns, adjectives and verbs. Regressions to the previous word took place principally in word
couples conjunction-verb, adjective-noun, and preposition-noun. On the whole, good readers carry out fewer regressive saccades than children
in the process of literacy, but the standard of regressive saccades and the type of words that suffer regression are similar in the two groups.
Also a higher number of regressive saccades was observed in the beginning of each line of the text, which can be explained by paraphoveal
processing in reading. Regressions to the previous word may be related to the fact that, depending on the grammatical class of the word, there
is a higher possibility of its not fixed.


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How to Cite

Emy Yokomizo, J. ., Lukasova, K. ., Sá Roriz Fonteles, D. ., & Coutinho de Macedo, E. . (2008). Saccadic movements during reading of text in children and university professors considered good readers: Doi: 10.15343/0104-7809.200832.2.2. O Mundo Da Saúde, 32(2), 131–138. Retrieved from