Almost like before: the ressignification of the identity of stomized persons affected by cancer
DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200630.1.6
Neoplasias-psychological aspects,Stoma-ethics, IdentityAbstract
As the presence of a serious illness generates suffering both to the person affected and her family, this study aims to understand the
meaning of the experience of illness for persons affected by cancer, with permanent stoma, and the transformations on their identity. The
research was developed in the city of Passo Fundo and region (Rio Grande do Sul). Of a qualitative character, prospective, guided by the
methodological referential of the verbal life history, it followed subjects during one year, from the moment of hospital internment, time when
they had been submitted to surgery. The ethical principles of voluntary participation had been respected, clarified and assented. A series of five
interviews with each one of the participants was done, during this year of research. Once transcribed, the interviews were presented in the form
of narratives. The analysis focused on the transformations that happened in the identity of each subject and the ways they found to ressignifiyng
it, having as a support the theoretical contents the study considered. The discussion shows that after the deep impact caused by the illness and
the stoma, people begin a process of ressignification of their identities, and this includes both a personal repositioning and the perception of a
new meaning for their life. Other factors present are a positive attitude of acceptance of the situation, to attach to God and religion, to start over
previous activities, to have the family and significant others support and to manage memory, among others. The maintenance of the reestabli-
shed identity depended on the ability of each stomized person as regards responding to the events that appeared in the trajectory of their lives.