The construction of a life and its end

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20123615964


  • Nely Aparecida Guernelli Nucci Doutora em Psicologia pela USP. Implantou o Serviço de Psicologia no Centro de Oncologia do Hospital Municipal Dr. Mário Gatti (Campinas/SP). Coordenadora Psicossocial da CRC-APACC – Associação de Pais e Amigos da Criança com Câncer (Campinas/SP). Supervisora de estágio em Psicologia da Saúde na PUCCampinas e UNIP


Psychology. Adolescent. Neoplasms.


This paper proposes to present a case study concerning the work of Psychology as regards the principle of autonomy of
adolescents, specifically in cases of patients affected by cancer in phases with no possible therapeutic cure. The study
reports the trajectory of psychotherapeutic interventions during the process of treatment of the disease and that of palliative
care. The basic aspect of the study refers to respect to the autonomy of a female adolescent that had several feelings
that stood out or overcame others, being able to maintain the freedom of expressing them, of questioning and demanding
support. Psychological care was based on the understanding that the patient had conditions to orientate her own life and
to build her own history. One tried to make easier adaptation to many losses resulting from the progression of the disease,
favoring better ways to deal with the fear of death, the anguish of separation and annihilation of the self, making easier
dealing with the sense of existence. Unconditional and comprehensive understanding was offered to the patient’s world
view and of the courses of action that made sense for her in this existential survey. We concluded that an emphatic attitude,
the establishment of an authentic bond of confidence, the support to develop a sense of personal value may create
a dialogic context in which the liberation of the individual and original power of the patient was promoted, helping the
patient in her existential journey


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How to Cite

Guernelli Nucci, N. A. . (2012). The construction of a life and its end: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20123615964. O Mundo Da Saúde, 36(1), 5964. Retrieved from