Teaching practice: difficulties found by Physical Education teachers in the first five years of professional work

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200731.4.6


  • Elisiane Cristina de Freitas Gonçalves Centro Universitário de Caratinga – UNEC, MG
  • Aline Elias de Oliveira dos Santos Centro Universitário de Caratinga – UNEC, MG
  • José Antonio Martins Júnior Centro Universitário de Caratinga – UNEC, MG


Teaching practice/social aspects. School Physical education. Teachers.


This study has as its aim to analyze and to describe the difficulties physical education teachers face in the first five years of
professional work as regards pedagogical practices developed at schools. The starting point were beginning teachers, chosen because
according to the cycles of professional development established by Huberman (1992), these teachers are eager to work and have difficulties
that are more peculiar than the ones in al other phases of the career. The methodology used for the study was field work and
literature survey, and a questionnaire elaborated by Campos (2004) for teachers who work with the discipline Physical Education in basic
education of schools from the county education system of Caratinga, MG, was applied to a total of 8 teachers randomly chosen from
a total of 07 schools. In concluding this study, we observed that the objectives had been reached; and the main factors pointed out by
teachers that intervene with pedagogical practice had been: wages; indiscipline by pupils; the impact on reality; the infrastructure of
schools; the theory/practice dichotomy and the degradation of the profession. Therefore, knowing the teachers and their pedagogical
practices seeking to understand the conditions in which they work in schools is extremely important. Only having this logic as the
departure point will it be possible to advance and to find ways for a transformation.


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How to Cite

de Freitas Gonçalves, E. C. ., de Oliveira dos Santos, A. E. ., & Martins Júnior, J. A. . (2007). Teaching practice: difficulties found by Physical Education teachers in the first five years of professional work: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200731.4.6. O Mundo Da Saúde, 31(4), 494–499. Retrieved from https://revistamundodasaude.emnuvens.com.br/mundodasaude/article/view/867