Is it possible to humanize medicine? Reflections regarding the use of Cinema in Medical Education

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20103357367


  • Pablo González Blasco Médico e Doutor em Medicina pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Membro Fundador e Diretor Científico da SOBRAMFA ( – Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Família. Membro Internacional da Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM). Autor dos livros O Médico de Família, hoje (SOBRAMFA; 1997), Medicina de Família e Cinema (Casa do Psicólogo; 2002) e Educação da Afetividade através do Cinema (IEF – Instituto de Ensino e Fomento/SOBRAMFA, São Paulo; 2006). Coautor dos livros Princípios de Medicina de Família (SOBRAMFA, São Paulo; 2003) e Cinemeducation: a Comprehensive Guide to using film in medical education (Radcliffe Publishing, Oxford, UK; 2005). É também autor de diversas publicações e trabalhos apresentados em congressos nacionais e internacionais onde aborda temas de Medicina de Família, Educação Médica, Humanismo e Medicina e Educação da Afetividade através do Cinema e das Artes.


Medicine. Humanization. Medical Education.


The central question of this paper is translated in a question: Is it possible to humanize medicine? The already long experience that
the author has in the use of Cinema in Medical Education – in the national and international context – is the source of elements to answer this
vital question. The answer includes a kind of factorial thinking unfolded in other questions and their answers. First of all: What is necessary to
humanize? Projects of humanization that do not reach the person, the human being, and are thus restricted to public policies do not succeed. The
second question is: How do we humanize with efficiency? Good will is not enough, or enthusiastic dedication, to humanize in a sustainable way.
Some methodology is necessary. In the third place, a question little talked about in humanizing forums: How costly is to humanize? Until one use
incredible high budgets to promote technology, leaving to volunteers without financial resources attempts of humanization, no transformation
humanization seeks will be possible. Finally, the critical question: Do we really want to be humanized? Because humanizing implies reaching the
heart of humans, which plays the leading role in all processes related to health, in order to transform it, to create a promise of personal order,
to face professional and personal challenges. Humanizing is thus to replace oneself in life as a person, having a humanistic attitude, in order to
make one’s own life a focus of effective humanization both in medicine and in life.


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How to Cite

González Blasco, P. . (2010). Is it possible to humanize medicine? Reflections regarding the use of Cinema in Medical Education: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20103357367. O Mundo Da Saúde, 34(3), 357–367. Retrieved from