The need for a paradigm shift and people management – the case of an Integrated Responsibility Center
Management, Organizational Change, HealthcareAbstract
In recent decades, the healthcare sector has faced significant challenges arising from technological advancements, demographic changes, and socioeconomic pressures, exacerbated by population aging. In Portugal, factors such as the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the emigration of healthcare professionals have worsened these issues. To address these challenges, healthcare organizations have implemented people management practices focused on continuous training, talent retention, and incentives, aiming to improve employee satisfaction and the quality of care provided. However, resistance to the traditional centralized management model remains an obstacle to adapting to current demands. In this context, the creation of Integrated Responsibility Centers (IRC) stands out as a solution to overcome the limitations of these outdated models. The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of changes in people management in the healthcare sector, with a focus on public hospitals, and to understand how the Ophthalmology IRC reflects new people management practices. The methodology consisted of a qualitative case study, including document analysis, bibliographic research, and interviews conducted with healthcare professionals (nurses) from the IRC. The results indicate that the IRC is perceived as a reference institution that offers attractive and transparent working conditions, demonstrating a strong concern for the organization's reputation. It is concluded that the IRC adopts a decentralized management model that promotes autonomy and continuous professional development, resulting in greater satisfaction, commitment, and efficiency in the care provided.
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