Preliminary assessment of the psychometric properties of the Fat Talk Questionnaire in a sample of young women
Surveys and Questionnaires. Psychometry. Body dissatisfaction. Self-image.Abstract
Fat Talk (FT) is a term used to describe a behavior characterized by speech, thinking, and derogatory feelings towards one's own body and the body of another person. It is predominant in females and is related to worse body image and worse self-esteem. The Fat Talk Questionnaire (FTQ) is an instrument previously adapted cross-culturally for young women in Brazil. The aim of this study was to carry out a preliminary assessment of its psychometric properties. The FTQ was applied to 99 young females (18 to 19 years and 11 months), along with sociodemographic questions, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS) and the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ8) to assess convergent validity (through the test Pearson’s correlation). Confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the structural equation model with the allocation sampling technique. Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha and MacDonald’s Omega. The structural equation model supported a one-dimensional scale (x2/gl = 1.62; CFI = 0.953; TLI = 0.935 and RMSEA = 0.079 [95%CI: 0.051-0.176]). The instrument presented an α-Cronbach of 0.89 [95%CI: 0.85-0.92] and an ω-MacDonald of 0.89; there was a high correlation with the BSQ8 (0.70) and a mean correlation (0.42) with the RSS. The instrument presented an adequate internal consistency, the confirmatory factor analysis of the FTQ supported a unidimensional instrument with satisfactory factor loadings, and a correlation was found between more Fat Talk behavior with greater concern with body shape and worse self-esteem.
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