Experience of Implementing a Food and Nutrition Education Program for Preschoolers



  • Adriana Hefti Gargiulo Centro Universitário São Camilo – São Paulo/ SP – Brasil
  • Ana Paula de Queiroz Mello Centro Universitário São Camilo – São Paulo/ SP – Brasil


Health Promotion, Food and Nutrition Education, Pre-school, School.


Food and Nutrition Education (FNE) promotes healthy eating habits starting from the first years of life, which is a fundamental part in programs for the prevention and control of childhood obesity. In this context, in addition to the family, the school is an ideal environment, as it is a conducive place for learning, and where children spend most of their time, as well as eat their meals. The objective of this study was to implement the “Grow Healthy at School” Program through problematization methodologies using the Charles Maguerez Arch (CMA), for preschoolers in a school for early childhood education (SP/SP). The study design is longitudinal in nature, qualitative, and quantitative. The sample consisted of 151 children, 4-6 years old, after parental consent, during 2018-2019. The steps of the CMA comprise observation of reality, identification of key points, theorization, formulation of hypotheses, and application in reality. Therefore, 39 FNE activities were applied, and a portion of fruit was offered weekly while educational messages were sent to parents about healthy eating, biweekly. As a result, the children participated with great enthusiasm and interest, and accepted the fruits very well. Although, there is a limitation in measuring the results related to food consumption, as they are perceived in the long term, the children were very interested and willing to replicate the knowledge learned, demonstrating that this Program has practical applicability and can be repeated in other schools. Thus, permanent resources and continuous methodologies are needed that address the awareness of the school community, as well as the planning and the regular consumption of healthy foods by students.


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How to Cite

Hefti Gargiulo, A., & de Queiroz Mello, A. P. (2021). Experience of Implementing a Food and Nutrition Education Program for Preschoolers: 10.15343/0104-7809.202145162174. O Mundo Da Saúde, 45, 162–174. Retrieved from https://revistamundodasaude.emnuvens.com.br/mundodasaude/article/view/1072