Effectiveness of manual lymphatic drainage with or without the use of functional bandaging on pain, fatigue and edema of the lower limbs in pregnant women: clinical, controlled and randomized trial
DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044217228
Pregnancy. Physiotherapy modalities. Pain. Fatigue. Edema.Abstract
The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of manual lymphatic drainage with and without the use of functional
bandaging in pain, fatigue and edema of lower limbs in pregnant women. This was a pilot study of a clinical, controlled
and randomized trial. The sample consisted of 30 pregnant women in their second and third trimester. Group 1 (G1),
performed 10 manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) sessions, group 2 (G2) performed MLD and made use of the functional
bandage (FB) on the lower limbs. The control group (CG) participated in 10 meetings with pregnant women promoted by
the UNIFACOL Academic League of Obstetric Physiotherapy. Perimetry was used to assess edema of the inner limbs and
the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain and fatigue. There was a significant improvement in edema, pain and fatigue of
the lower limbs when the groups that performed interventions were compared with the CG (p <0.001). From the popliteal
line to the ankle, there was a tendency towards less edema in G2, but without any significant differences when compared
to G1. MLD with and without the use of FB reduces pain, fatigue and gestational edema in the lower limbs. All pregnant
women were satisfied and would recommend MLD with or without the use of FB.
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