Caring for sick people in advanced phases of a disease

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200933.2.13


  • Tania Mara de Moraes Enfermeira. Mestre em Enfermagem pela Escola de Enfermagem da USP. Docente do curso de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário São Camilo.


Terminally Ill. Hospice care. Bioethics.


Even though there are currently many technological advances, still we have a great number of diseases for which, even after the
efforts carried through for combating, there is a moment where cure is not possible anymore. This causes discomfort not only for patients and
their relatives but also for the caring team. This study is a bibliographical survey covering the period 1992-2008 aiming to improve knowledge
on taking care of a patient in advanced phases of a disease, as well as on support for patients’ relatives. Many changes occur in the life of a
patient from the moment a diagnosis of a non curable disease is done. As health professionals, we need to be able to care for them considering
physical, psycho-affective and spiritual necessities, according to ethical standards. We need to understand what occurs with this patient and
her family, respecting them and seeking to care for their real necessities, contributing for them to improve their quality of life, notwithstanding
the life time remaining so that they have a death with dignity.


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How to Cite

de Moraes, T. M. . (2009). Caring for sick people in advanced phases of a disease: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200933.2.13. O Mundo Da Saúde, 33(2), 231–238. Retrieved from