Sazonal variation of sea birds in Arrozal sandbank, city of Cananeia-SP

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20113517183


  • Fabio Hideo Numao Biologo do IB-USP. Instituto de Matemática e Estatística IME-USP
  • Edison Barbieri Doutor em Oceanografia pelo Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo. Pesquisador e Professor do Instituto de Pesca – APTA – SAA. Cananeia, São Paulo, Brasil.


Birds - classification. Brazil - Cananeia city. Marine environment.


The aim of this work was to identity the abundance of coastal and estuary birds species that occupy Arrozal sandbank in
Cananeia (SP), and its seasonal/monthly variation during the years of 2005 and 2006. The censuses had been made during tide low,
through direct counting, where the observer in a fixed point developed individual counting of species. It was found in the place a total
of 30 species congregated in 13 families and 6 orders, in a total of 37 samples during the period 2005-2006. Phalacrocorax brasilianus,
Rynchops niger, Thalasseus acuflavidus e Thalasseus maximus were the most abundant birds. The four species together accounted
for 86.8% of birds observed during the period of study. The distribution of Phalacrocorax brasilianus and Rynchops niger individuals
during the seasons had not been equal. Thalasseus maximus did not present difference in the distribution of individuals throughout the
seasons, but when we applied Tukey test it was possible to verify a significant difference between winter and spring. As for Thalasseus
acuflavidus, the distribution of species throughout the seasons was equal throughout the year.


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How to Cite

Hideo Numao, F. ., & Barbieri, E. . (2011). Sazonal variation of sea birds in Arrozal sandbank, city of Cananeia-SP: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20113517183. O Mundo Da Saúde, 35(1), 71–83. Retrieved from