Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on New Cases of Tuberculosis in Brazil: A Temporal and Spatial Analysis
Tuberculosis, COVID-19 Pandemic, Spatial analysis, Epidemiological monitoringAbstract
This study aimed to analyze, through the spatial and temporal patterns, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic in the detection of new cases of tuberculosis in Brazil. This is an ecological study, which adopted the average rate of detection of new cases of tuberculosis in the pre-pandemic (2016 to 2019) and pandemic (2020) periods. The spatial analysis was calculated using the percent variation of detection in Brazilian regions and states and the risk ratio between smoother detection rates through the local Bayesian empirical method for municipalities. The temporal trend analysis was performed through Joinpoint regression, with the month of detection as the unit of analysis. A reduction of the tuberculosis detection rate was observed in all Brazilian regions and in 81.5% of states. Approximately 60.0% of municipalities showed stabilization or a decrease in detection rates. Time analysis revealed that all regions had, since 2016, a trend of increased case detection and that, especially in the first half of 2020, a strong decreasing rate was identified. Changing the organization of healthcare services imposed by pandemic may have influenced the under-reporting of cases and consequent reduction of tuberculosis detection rates.
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