Profile of the prevalence of enterococcal infections and bacterial resistance to antibiotics in public urinary infections
Enterococcus faecalis, Antibiotics, Cystitis, Bacterial PharmacoresistanceAbstract
Urinary tract infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria are the third most common type of infection in humans described worldwide. This is a time series study carried out from positive urine culture records, from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2019, in the metropolitan region of the municipality of Goiania, Midwest Brazil, in people of all ages and sexes. The aim was to assess the prevalence of urinary tract infections, the pattern of resistance to antibiotics, and the trend of increasing resistance in Enterococcus faecalis. Descriptive analysis and Pearson's chi-square test were used to assess the growth in the prevalence of antibiotic resistance, and a correlation analysis by the Poisson method was used to assess the trend in the growth of bacterial resistance. Of 22,034 positive urine cultures, 646 (2.9%) were of E. faecalis. The findings showed that urinary tract infections are more prevalent in women aged over 19 years old. The prevalence of resistance was high for the fluoroquinolone drugs and a significant increase in resistance against Gentamicin (p=0.02%) and a decrease toward Ampicillin (p<0.001) and Tobramycin (p<0.001). The increasing trend was significant for Gentamicin and negative for Ampicillin and Tobramycin. The findings demonstrate that it is necessary to create surveillance programs that aim to monitor the growth of the resistance patterns in public UTIs, while considering the study site.
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