Subjective well-being and self-esteem of people undergoing hemodialysis
Well-being. Self-image. Chronic Kidney Disease. Hemodialysis. Quality of life.Abstract
Chronic Kidney Disease is progressive and permanent, causing functional losses and psychological interference that culminate under personal exhaustion and imply a change in daily life. The objective of the study was to assess the levels of subjective well-being and self-esteem of people undergoing hemodialysis, and to identify the relationship between these constructs. This was a cross-sectional quantitative study, involving 152 people, in a Nephrology Center. Data were collected using a sociodemographic survey and the Subjective Well-Being and Self-Esteem Scales, respectively. Pearson's Correlation Coefficient was applied to study the association of subjective well-being with self-esteem; for association with sociodemographic variables, the following statistical tests were applied: Student's T test; Analysis of Variance, Spearman's Correlation Coefficient. There was a predominance of males (65.1%), average age 55.3 years old (± 13.6), married (36.2%) with a family income of 1 to 5 minimum wages, and complete high school education (36.9%). In relation to subjective well-being, there was a satisfactory level of positive feelings, and low expression of negative feelings, and a higher level of satisfaction with life. The average self-esteem score was 29.63, indicating satisfactory indices and significant correlations. A strong, significant, and proportional positive correlation was found. The greater the person's subjective well-being, the greater their self-esteem was, and an association with sex, age, marital status, family income, and education level was identified. Family income was related to all dimensions of the constructs.
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