Validation of the Drug Chain Flowchart as a preventive technology for medication errors

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044325337


  • Renata Prado Bereta Vilela Faculdade de Medicina Faceres. São José do Rio Preto/SP, Brasil.
  • Marli de Carvalho Jerico Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP). São José do Rio Preto/SP, Brasil.


Hospital Medication System; Medication Errors; Workflow; Technology; Patient safety.


An important strategy for the prevention of errors is knowing of the medication process in the drug chain as well as the
technologies that can prevent medication errors. This study aimed to map, describe, and validate the medication process,
relating the technologies available for the prevention of medication errors in a teaching hospital. The study is documentary
and observational; data triangulation was used by combining three sources of information. Flowcharts were elaborated to
map the processes studied and the content was submitted for validation by 26 health professionals in five areas of care.
Four Flowcharts were elaborated, totaling an average of 50 activities and the insertion of 18 preventive technologies, with a
predominance of solid technologies (50%), were identified. The Hospital Information System (12.6%) was identified as the
main technology that prevents medication errors; the type of error that was the most preventable with these technologies
was the dose error (21%). Knowing where preventive technology operates in the drug chain is an innovation that can
provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge to prevent medication errors. Also, this management favors the
rationalization of activities, the definition of the role of these professionals, the time spent for executing each sub-process,
the redesigning of the work process and optimization of productivity. It was concluded that the mapping of the drug chain
together with the identification of technologies and their points of use provided greater visibility and authenticity of the
health professionals’ actions.


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How to Cite

Prado Bereta Vilela, R. ., & de Carvalho Jerico, M. (2020). Validation of the Drug Chain Flowchart as a preventive technology for medication errors: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044325337. O Mundo Da Saúde, 44, 325–337. Retrieved from