Occupational lung fibrosis, cancer of the larynx and pneumonia of repetition in an aged patient: an interdisciplinary case study

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200933.3.14


  • Débora Rocha Oliveira Centro Universitário São Camilo-SP, Brasil.
  • Maria Alice de Gouveia Pereira Centro Universitário São Camilo-SP, Brasil.
  • Vera Silvia Frangella Centro Universitário São Camilo-SP, Brasil.
  • Alexandre Luque Centro Universitário São Camilo-SP, Brasil.
  • Andréa de Souza Centro Universitário São Camilo-SP, Brasil.


Pulmonary Fibrosis - rehabilitation. Malnutrition. Aged.


Lung fibrosis may have a great number of systemic complications such as malnutrition and the reduction of functional capacity. Treatment must be
individualized and designed for minimizing symptoms, optimizing functional condition and reducing health care expenses. This study aimed to evaluate the impact
of an interdisciplinary approach to rehabilitating an aged patient with fibrosis and malnutrition. We did interdisciplinary case study of an octogenarian with
occupational lung fibrosis, sequels from cancer of the larynx, megaesophagus, repetition pneumonia, energetic-proteic malnutrition, kinetic-functional diagnostic
of functional capacity reduction and a high deficit of deglutition, with broncoaspiration. Multidisciplinary meetings were done aiming at establishing an adequate
therapeutic option for improving the patient health condition. Adhesion was periodically monitored regarding nutritional behaviors, the development of specific
maneuvers for deglutition and exercises programmed by the speech therapist and the physiotherapy. The direct and constant evaluation of clinical and nutritional
evolution produced adjustments of behaviors prescribed by the interdisciplinary team. Due to interventions the patient presented a 3,2kg weigh gain, improvements
of functional capacity and nutritional condition (a 21% gain of lean mass); a 100% increase in maximum voluntary contraction for the main muscular groups. The
respiratory questionnaire also evidenced improvements in quality of life, with an impact in dyspnea control. The improvement of deglutition allowed a gradual
reintroduction of reduced volumes of oral diet. We concluded that the constant association and evaluation of nutritional, phonoaudiologic therapies and endurance
and force training were vital, showing the necessity and importance of an interdisciplinary approach in lung rehabilitation, especially in old people.


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How to Cite

Rocha Oliveira, D., de Gouveia Pereira, M. A. ., Silvia Frangella, V. ., Luque, A. ., & de Souza, A. . (2009). Occupational lung fibrosis, cancer of the larynx and pneumonia of repetition in an aged patient: an interdisciplinary case study: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200933.3.14. O Mundo Da Saúde, 33(3), 365–371. Retrieved from https://revistamundodasaude.emnuvens.com.br/mundodasaude/article/view/762