Nutritional evaluation and life style of educators of a daycare center of the city of São Paulo

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.2011354454458


  • Dyandra Loureiro Caron dos Santos Graduandas do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário São Camilo
  • Talita da Costa Cassimiro Graduandas do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário São Camilo
  • Rosana Farah Simony Nutricionista. Professora Doutora Assistente do Centro Universitário São Camilo. Professora Adjunta da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Maria Bizerra Santos Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Nutricional.
  • Mônica Lazzarini F. Valente Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Nutricional.
  • Sandra C. Vieira de Olim Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Nutricional.
  • Ricardo Hauy Marum Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Nutricional.


Nutritional Assessment. Obesity. Alimentary and Nutritional Education.


Alimentary education is a decisive component for health promotion, and its effect can be potentiated when carried through
during infancy, because this is the stage when alimentary habits are formed and consolidated. For the results of alimentary education to
be adequate, involved educators need to be aware of their role as facilitators of this process. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional
status and general health of t educators of a day-care center of the city of São Paulo. A descriptive transversal study with educators of
a day-care center of the city of São Paulo was carried through. Data collection was carried through by trainees of nutrition previously
trained. Social-demographic information by means of alimentary habits anamneses in order to evaluate their alimentary habits, as well
as anthropometric data: stature (m), weight (kg) and waist circumference - WC (cm). 31 female non smoking educators had participated
on the research, with an average age of 33 years (± 6.18 dp), most of them (71%) did not consume alcoholic beverages and did not
practice any type of physical activity (83.4%). As regards nutritional status, 51.6% presented overweight or some degree of obesity and
45.2% had risk for metabolic diseases according to WC. The results had indicated that the majority of educators presented overweight/
obesity, something that proves the necessity of implementation of nutritional education initiatives.


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How to Cite

Loureiro Caron dos Santos, D. ., Talita da Costa Cassimiro, Farah Simony, R. ., Bizerra Santos, M. ., Lazzarini F. Valente, M. ., C. Vieira de Olim, S. ., & Hauy Marum, R. . (2011). Nutritional evaluation and life style of educators of a daycare center of the city of São Paulo: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.2011354454458. O Mundo Da Saúde, 35(4), 454–458. Retrieved from