Nutrition and eating as bases for programs for health promotion and life quality in organizations

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.2013372201207


  • Sílvia Martinez Centro Universitário São Camilo, São Paulo, BR


Feeding. Chronic Disease. Quality of Life.


According to the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population, from the Ministry of Health, adequate food depends on the
consumption of food, not nutrients, and should be based on food practices that have social and cultural significance. For
WHO/UN, despite many advances, there are nutritional deficiencies affecting large numbers of people around the world.
The world is plagued by an epidemic of obesity and chronic non-communicable diseases; among silent diseases there are
also eating disorders. Many authors have said that food consumption and the way in which this happens has varied greatly
in recent decades in the light of social changes that have taken place, mainly the changing role of women in the formation
and maintenance of a family structure. A good program to favour quality of life should include a rigorous planning of actions
with a good diagnostic of current social, physical and health condition of workers before any effective action. Food
can and should help to improve the quality of life both physically and mentally and socially. Food is factor that greatly
contributes for a happy and dynamic society that constantly progresses.




How to Cite

Martinez, S. . (2013). Nutrition and eating as bases for programs for health promotion and life quality in organizations: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.2013372201207. O Mundo Da Saúde, 37(2), 201–207. Retrieved from