Tracking cognitive deficit in elderly with diabetes mellitus
DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20174103343349
Aging. Cognition. Diabetes Mellitus. Geriatric Assessment.Abstract
To track the cognitive deficits of type 2 diabetics and to correct the cognitive deficit with socioeconomic and demographic
data. An analytical, cross - sectional study of a quantitative approach, carried out with 240 elderly patients attending the
endocrinology department of the University Hospital Presidente Dutra in São Luís - MA. Two instruments were used for
the collection: the first one on the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the elderly and the second called
Mini-Mental State Examination -MEEM. Epiinfo version 7.1.4 was used to calculate the relative frequencies and cross-
referenced variables such as age, sex, race / color, occupation, income, marital status and schooling, with MMSE results.
significance level p <0.05. The highest prevalence of elderly people with a probable cognitive deficit (57.5%), among
them, the most prevalent female sex (73.9%), brown race (73.9%), one to three years of complete study 82.4%), married
(43.5%), retired (82.6%), with a monthly income of a minimum wage (69.9%). Based on these data, the importance of
an overall evaluation of these elderly people and of public policies aimed at the integral promotion of the health of the
elderly for an early detection of these cognitive declines, as well as to detect early signs of these early, as they may be a
percussion of dementia and consequently disorders generated in the individuals, family and society.