Lead levels in teeth of inhabitants near a river contaminated with heavy metals: pilot study
Teeth, Lead, Environmental ContaminationAbstract
The objective of this study was measured the concentration of lead in teeth of patients from health establishments near the Coata River in Puno, Peru. This descriptive design study was approved by the Institutional Research Ethics Committee of the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano. The concentration of lead (Pb) in permanent teeth was assessed in 33 patients of both sexes which were donated as a result of planned extractions in the dental offices of the health establishments near the Coata River with prior informed consent. The concentration of Pb in teeth was measured with a Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrophotometer in the environmental monitoring and evaluation laboratory of the Faculty of Mining Engineering of the National University of the Altiplano Puno. The age range in Coata was 36 to 65 years and in Huata 35 to 63 years.The average age of the sample in the Coata district was 47.5 years and in Huata it was 47.6 years. The people living near the Coata River had a Pb concentration mostly in the range of 0.46 - 0.92 ug/g; and it was the men who had higher concentrations than women, without this difference being significant. It is concluded that teeth can be useful to determine Pb concentration due to chronic environmental exposure.
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