Evaluation of the stability and antioxidant activity of formulations with Mangifera indica L. extract
Mangifera indica, Antioxidant, Flavonoids, Phenolic compounds, Stability of Cosmetic ProductsAbstract
The high global production of Mangifera indica generates a considerable amount of waste, such as peels and seeds that are often discarded. The use of these by-products promotes a more sustainable approach, reducing environmental impacts and opening new perspectives in the phytocosmetics area. The peel presents secondary metabolites known mainly for their antioxidant properties, highlighting phenolic compounds. These antioxidants are capable of slowing down the rate of oxidation promoted by free radicals formed by external or pathophysiological factors. Thus, natural antioxidants extracted from plant species are increasingly being studied for application in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The phytocosmetic potential of the glycolic extract from the peel of M. indica L. var. Tommy Atkins in three galenic bases (Carbopol® gel, cream gel and Estagel® gel) was evaluated through antioxidant activity tests, the DPPH radical scavenging method, and stability studies. The formulations with the extract were stable and compatible for topical use, as there were no signs of instability such as changes in organoleptic characteristics and pH. Regarding antioxidant activity, formulations with the extract showed antioxidant potential, however the formulation with Carbopol® and gel-cream showed better performance compared to Estagel®. After 30 days of preliminary stability in different temperature conditions (40.0 ± 2<0°C, 20.0 ± 5.0°C, 5.0 ± 2.0°C) there was a reduction in antioxidant activity only in the gel of Carbopol® stored at high temperature, indicating the best form of storage. Therefore, the results suggest the promising incorporation of M. indica L. var. Tommy Atkins in cosmetic foundations.
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