I-SHARE Brazil questionnaire: adaptation from Portuguese to Brazilian Portuguese
Sexual and Reproductive Health, COVID-19, Global HealthAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic brought increased challenges regarding access to services, adequate responses, guaranteeing rights, among others, for the area of sexual and reproductive health in Brazil and around the world. The “International Sexual Health and Reproductive Health Survey” (I-SHARE), a global study carried out in more than 40 countries, arises from the need to investigate this situation, making it necessary to create and adapt instruments capable of capturing this new global reality. The objective of this article is to present the process of adapting the I-SHARE questionnaire from Portuguese to Brazilian Portuguese. The Brazilian version of the I-SHARE questionnaire included 15 large blocks of questions related to COVID-19, violence and sexual and reproductive health. Adaptation forced to accommodate linguistic, cultural and institutional differences of different nature. The pre-test, carried out with 10 people, revealed good acceptance, with no difficulties in understanding or analyzing on the part of the participants. It is concluded that the I-SHARE Brazil questionnaire, in addition to having served as a particular research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, can be adapted to other realities and future studies in the field of sexual and reproductive health in Brazil.
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