Quality of Food in the University Community based on the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population




Food Consumption. Adults. Nutrition.


Studies show that the consumption of ultra-processed foods increases the risk of non-communicable chronic diseases. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the quality of the food of a university community based upon the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population. An analytical observational study was carried out, with a cross-sectional design. University students, professors, academic coordinators, and other employees participated in the study, respecting the following inclusion criteria: both sexes, 18-60 years old, formally associated with the Institution, who have access to the internet, and who accepted to participate through an electronic informed consent form. An electronic QR-Code questionnaire was applied to qualitatively assess the health habits and especially the dietary habits of the sample. Data was collected from September-December/2019. The study is approved by the Ethics Committee. The total sample consisted of 710 volunteers. The average age was 26.7±9.2 years old, considering 87.2% women, and 85.5% students. The average body mass index (BMI) was 24.2±4.5 kg/m² (61.4% eutrophic, 34.5% overweight, 4.1% malnourished). The average score was 39.4±10.9 points. The distribution of the dietary pattern was 41.4% “Excellent”, 36.8% “Intermediate”, and 21.8% “Deficient diet”. When considering the relationship with the institution, the employee’s quality of the food was lower than student, professor, and coordinator (p≤0.001). In the total sample, the eutrophic students had a better quality of the food. Correlations with BMI were found with food score (r=-0.224; p≤0.001) and age (r=0.319; p≤0.001) and confirmed through a linear regression of BMI with the food score (β=-0.283; p≤0.001) and with age (β=0.343; p≤0.001). Therefore, most of the sample reported excellent food quality, however, 1 out of 3 members was overweight. The food score and age influenced the BMI value.


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How to Cite

de Paula Beltran, A. B., Morais Marangoni, V., Justo La Pastina, J. P., Martinez, S., & de Queiroz Mello, A. P. (2022). Quality of Food in the University Community based on the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population: 10.15343/0104-7809.202246458471I. O Mundo Da Saúde, 46, 458–471. Retrieved from https://revistamundodasaude.emnuvens.com.br/mundodasaude/article/view/1451