Dilemmas about the use of face masks in post-pandemic times: a preventive measure and control of infectious and contagious respiratory diseases




Face masks. Respiratory diseases. Population. Primary prevention., Face masks. Respiratory diseases. Population. Primary prevention.


The objective of this study was to understand the reasons for the participant's adherence or not to the use of mask in case of catching a “flu”; to analyze the actions taken by the participants to avoid transmission when they had flu symptoms before the pandemic; identify the opinion of the participants on the use of masks before the pandemic; to verify the general feeling towards the use of a face mask in the pandemic, and to verify the acceptance of the population regarding the use of a face mask in case of symptoms of infectious and contagious respiratory diseases in post-pandemic times. This consists of a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, carried out with 62 participants who use public transportation. Semi-structured interviews were used in October 2020. The data collected were subjected to analysis according to social phenomenology and categorized according to a phenomenological approach. The motivations for wearing the mask in public places in case of flu in post-pandemic times show the concern with prevention and protection for themselves and others. Non-adherence refers to difficulty in socializing and discomfort. Thus, it is understood that self-care was present among several answers and that almost all the participants, in case of a “flu”, will wear a mask after the pandemic. It is concluded that instructing the population regarding the use of a face mask in public places in post-COVID-19 times in order to reduce the spread and contamination by infectious and contagious respiratory diseases is of paramount importance.


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How to Cite

Sartoratto, M. C., Reis de Queiroz, L. P., de Souza Almeida, G., Borges Nascimento, T., Santana dos Santos, C., Ozello Gutierrez, B. A., & Yuka Sato Chubaci, R. (2022). Dilemmas about the use of face masks in post-pandemic times: a preventive measure and control of infectious and contagious respiratory diseases: 10.15343/0104-7809.202246131141. O Mundo Da Saúde, 46, 131–141. Retrieved from https://revistamundodasaude.emnuvens.com.br/mundodasaude/article/view/1343