Measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of health systems: a comparative analysis between Brazil, Italy, and the USA



  • Gustavo Sartori Cossa Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR. Maringá/PR, BRASIL.
  • Yara Beatriz Razente Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR. Maringá/PR, BRASIL.
  • Mariana de Lima Kaku Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR. Maringá/PR, BRASIL.
  • Maria Tereza Soares Rezende Lopes Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR. Maringá/PR, BRASIL.
  • Ana Claudia Baladelli Silva Cimardi Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR. Maringá/PR, BRASIL.


Health System. COVID-19. Health care. Health Management. Pandemics


The COVID-19 pandemic required a great mobilization of the world's health systems, mainly due to the high rate of transmissibility of the disease and the state of uncertainty of the global one. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the structure of the Brazil, Italy, and the United States of America (USA), the measures taken to fight the pandemic, and the results obtained between the period of December/2019 and August/2020 in each country. This is a qualitative study, which used an Evaluation Matrix, with the information organized into Structure, Process, and Result, according to Donabedian's triad. Country characteristics such as the Human Development Index (HDI); demographic density; models of health and social protection systems; OxCGRT algorithm; and disease-related indicators; among others were compared. It was noted that the health systems of the study countries needed to be applied and reorganized to deal with the pandemic. The HDI of the countries did not demonstrate any relationship with the spread of the disease, but they may interfere in the way in which the countries organized themselves to face the problem. Countries that adopted more severe and nationally coordinated measures had better results in combating COVID-19, achieving control over the number of cases in a shorter time span. Screening tests, when present, proved to be cornerstones in governments' decisions in the face of the pandemic. The results found in this study can provide support for other comparisons, using the same methodology, which clarifies the different realities and elucidates which governmental measures were more effective in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Sartori Cossa, G., Razente, Y. B., de Lima Kaku, M., Soares Rezende Lopes, M. T., & Baladelli Silva Cimardi, A. C. (2021). Measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of health systems: a comparative analysis between Brazil, Italy, and the USA: 10.15343/0104-7809.202145379389. O Mundo Da Saúde, 45, 379–389. Retrieved from