Nutritional information in restaurants: a study of pictogram comprehension
Nutritional information. Nutrition labeling. Food services. Universities. Students.Abstract
Nutritional information in food services is relevant to food choices, in addition to being a way of respecting the consumer's right to choose. However, it is necessary that this information to be easily understood by the diners. Thus, the aim of this study is to propose a pictorial model of nutritional information, which warns of the presence of gluten, milk, eggs, and meat in a public university restaurant based on the perception of consumers and the knowledge of nutrition and the information design. The quali-quantitative study, with a cross-sectional design and exploratory character, was carried out in Curitiba, Paraná, with adult students from a public institution. Through a self-answered questionnaire, the comprehension of pictograms with and without a label that represented the presence of gluten, milk, meat, and egg, the relevance of the information presented, and the preference of the place where the nutritional information was made available were evaluated. 131 consumers participated with an average age of 21.3 ± 2.6 years, 73.3% of whom were female. A good perception of the proposed pictograms was observed, and was better understood with labels, which represented “contains egg” and “contains meat”. Regarding the presence of milk, the bottle pictogram was the most accepted. The preferred location for viewing the information was at the buffet, with interest mainly in the name of the meal and the list of ingredients. The proposed pictograms models were shown to be adequate according to consumers, reaching the objective of the study, making the information easily understood, and favoring the consumers' right to choose.
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