Infant mortality in Brazil, 2007 to 2016
Child. Infant mortality. Basic Health Indicators.Abstract
Health indicators are crucial, as they provide essential information for setting goals and evaluating social and economic plans. Therefore, the study aims to observe infant mortality in Brazil, from 2007 to 2016. This is an epidemiological, ecological time series study, using population-based data, which were extracted from the Unified Health System’s Department of Informatics in Brazil, in order to obtain the Child Mortality Coefficient indicator. The results showed that infant mortality has declined based upon the annual assessment of this indicator between the years 2007 to 2015; however, the year 2016 showed a slight increase. It was also observed that conditions originating in the perinatal period emerged as the main cause of infant mortality in the analyzed period. The causes of infant mortality in the analyzed period were identified as the most prevalent conditions originating in the perinatal period. The states of Amapá (19.81), Bahia (17.37), and Acre (17.27) had the highest indicators, but this indicator can be reduced through better sanitary, economic, and care conditions. Therefore, it is essential to expand health services, especially in socially vulnerable locations, and to strengthen mother and baby care programs.
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