Preeclampsia in pregnancy from the perspective of women in the Northwest region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044498505
Pregnancy. Prenatal care. Preeclampsia. Nursing. Qualitative research.Abstract
Preeclampsia represents one of the main causes of maternal death in the world. The objective was to identify the
women's knowledge about preeclampsia in pregnancy. This was a qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study with
26 women linked to the Pastoral da Criança care service. In order to collect the data, a conversation circle was held
in 2014 to discuss and apply a questionnaire with open and closed questions, the data being analyzed by thematic
content analysis. The predominance of women of childbearing age who have already experienced motherhood was
identified and, therefore, the possibility of complications during pregnancy was exposed. One of the respondents had
the disease during pregnancy, seven had some knowledge about the subject, and 19 of them were unaware of the
disease. Prenatal care is identified as a way of clarifying the disease and its risk factors. It is necessary to train prenatal
and multiprofessional caregivers in assisting women, including health education actions that contribute to improving
women's knowledge about the diseases that permeate the gestational period.
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