Comparison of the Morse Fall Scale and STRATIFY scale on the risk of falls among the elderly
DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044311324
Gerontology. Risk factors. Accidents due to falls. Aging. Elderly health.Abstract
The use of risk assessment instruments with an emphasis on preventing an event and reducing damage has provided
support for the management of falls. The aim of the study was to perform a comparative analysis between the scales
that predict falls among the elderly Morse Fall Scale (MFS) and St. Thomas Risk Assessment Tool in the Falling Elderly
Inpatients (STRATIFY), in a unit of a philanthropic hospital, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. A quantitative cross-sectional
study was carried out from February to September 2018, by nurse residents in the Multiprofessional Health Residency
Program, Campo Grande, MS. The STRATIFY and Morse Fall Scale instruments were used. The data were treated
statistically by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-wallis tests. 31 elderly people participated in
the study. The results were heterogeneous in the comparison between the instruments, the MFS demonstrates that as
the patient obtains mobility, the risk for falls increases; while STRATIFY, when investigating risk factors directed to the
elderly, identified high levels of high risk for falls in the three assessment moments. It is concluded that the STRATIFY
instrument was significantly associated with the risk of falling and had a better discrimination in predicting falls in
hospitalized elderly than MFS.
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