Analysis of social support among adolescents with excess body weight
DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.202044207216
Social support. Adolescents. Obesity. Social isolation. Food intake.Abstract
Social support refers to the material and psychological resources that people have access to through social networks. This
is an important and poorly studied aspect in adolescents with chronic health conditions. This study aimed to analyze
the global social support and its domains in overweight adolescents. Nutritional status, food intake and global social
support, along with its domains, were assessed using anthropometric measurements, a food frequency questionnaire for
adolescents and the Medical Outcomes Study instrument, respectively. Seventy-one adolescents participated in the study,
52.7% women and 47.2% men. Most were overweight (71.83%) and with a high abdominal circumference (76.47%).
Approximately half of the interviewees were classified as having low global social support (50.7%), with no differences
between the categories of body mass index and waist circumference. The group classified as having a high global social
support had greater calorie, carbohydrate, and lipid intake than those with less support. There was a positive statistical
correlation between the values attributed to carbohydrate intake and the values scored in the global social support (r =
0.33; p = 0.26), the interaction domain (r = 0.33; p = 0.23) and the information domain (r = 0.40; p = 0.006). A positive
association was observed between the values of caloric intake and those of the information domain (r = 0.34; p = 0.20).
The overweight adolescents evaluated showed a high frequency of low social support and positive correlations were
identified between calorie intake and global social support score, as well as between carbohydrate intake and scores in
the interaction and information domains.
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