Breast-feeding: factors leading to precocious weaning in Passo Fundo, RS

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200832.4.8


  • Janaína Parizotto Acadêmica do IX semestre do curso de Enfermagem da Universidade de Passo Fundo.
  • Nelci Terezinha Zorzi Enfermeira obstetra. Mestre em Assistência de Enfermagem pela UFRGS. Professora assistente II da disciplina de Enfermagem em Saúde da Mulher da Universidade de Passo Fundo.


Breast feeding. Weaning. Maternal-child health services.


This exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach aimed to identify factors linked to early weaning in Passo
Fundo-RS. It was carried out in the Vaccination Room of the local Health Center with mothers with children from zero to six months of
age and were in the weaning process. Data were collected from August to September 2006 by means of a semi-structured interview and
annotations in a field journal, being interpreted by means of the thematic analysis technique. The interpretation of information collected
showed the following themes: Knowledge Deficit /Lack of Information, Mammary Problems / Use of Feeding Bottle, Health Professionals,
Special Situations, and Women Out Of Home / Working Women. This study supplies information for promoting the predominance of
breast-feeding and stop the practice of early weaning by raising conscience and encouraging breastfeeding.


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How to Cite

Parizotto, J. ., & Zorzi, N. T. . (2008). Breast-feeding: factors leading to precocious weaning in Passo Fundo, RS: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.200832.4.8. O Mundo Da Saúde, 32(4), 466–474. Retrieved from