Strategies of support to public health policies - the remedy in the house project experience



  • Janaina Machado Simões O presente artigo é fruto do relatório técnico de visita de campo elaborado para a avaliação 2005 do Prêmio Gestão Pública e Cidadania do Programa Gestão Pública e Cidadania da EAESP/FGV.
  • Maria Gabriela Monteiro Mestranda em Administração Pública pela Ebape/FGV. Pesquisadora do Observatório da Realidade Organizacional da Ebape/FGV. Professora do curso de Administração das Faculdades São Camilo – RJ.


Public health policies, medicine delivery, public health


The project Remedy in the House is an initiative of Rio de Janeiro City Hall that aims to implement domiciliary medicine
delivery for diabetes and hypertension patients intending to optimize clinical control and contribute to the management, the epide-
miological control and the evaluation of public health policies. Having as its basis a bibliographical, documentary and field study carried
through in 2005, the present article aims to present an analysis of this experience of support to public health policies. Besides the fact
that the project is an innovative strategy in the country - both in its conception and flexibility and in its effect on public health, citizen-
ship and the public administration -, factors like the project’s capacity of response and adaptability and its capacity of self-sustainability
demonstrate the relevance of the initiative.


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How to Cite

Machado Simões, J. ., & Monteiro, M. G. (2006). Strategies of support to public health policies - the remedy in the house project experience: DOI:10.15343/0104-7809.200630.2.9. O Mundo Da Saúde, 30(2), 289–299. Retrieved from