The art of caring: health, spirituality and education

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20104488497


  • Franklin Santana Santos Médico geriatra. Doutor em medicina pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Pós-doutor em Psicogeriatria pelo Instituto Karolinska-Suécia e formação complementar em Saúde e Espiritualidade pela Duke University-EUA. Professor colaborador da Disciplina de Tanatologia da pós-graduação da Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Sócio-fundador da Pinus Longæva Assessoria e Consultoria em Saúde e Educação.
  • Dora Incontri ** Jornalista. Doutora e pós-doutora em Filosofia da Educação pela USP. Diretora da Editora Comenius. Coordenadora da pós-graduação de Pedagogia Espírita pela Unisanta (Universidade Santa Cecília) e pela Unibem (Faculdades Integradas Espíritas).


Caretakers. Health. Spirituality.


Caring is one of the bases of Mother Nature. Most species of our planet, be they vegetal or animal, has in some degree
developed the apparently innate characteristic of caring, which seems to be linked to the very maintenance and sustaining of life. While
in vegetables the ability of caring is linked to self-care, in the sense of preserving life, it is developed and improved and reaches its apex
in the human species. When observing the process of development and evolution of life, we see that the ability of caring achieved an
apparent competitive advantage in the evolution process. It seems it made such a symbiosis with Life itself that it penetrated its very
essence. Thus, now Life and Caring are so intertwined that became synonymous in the evolutionary process. Caring seems therefore
to be a refinement and one of the purposes of life, but could only be understood in this sense if we consider it from a perspective of
transcendence or a design of its Creator.


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How to Cite

Santana Santos, F. ., & Incontri, D. . (2010). The art of caring: health, spirituality and education: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20104488497. O Mundo Da Saúde, 34(4), 488–497. Retrieved from