The understanding of the Nursing Team of the Family Health Strategy regarding Urgency and Emergency

DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.2012363461467


  • Renata de Lorenzi D’Agostin Universidade do Extremo Sul de Santa Catarina – UNESC, Criciúma-SC, Brasil.
  • Luciane B. Ceretta Universidade do Extremo Sul de Santa Catarina – UNESC, Criciúma-SC, Brasil.
  • Magada T. Schwalm Universidade do Extremo Sul de Santa Catarina – UNESC, Criciúma-SC, Brasil.
  • Neiva Junkes Hoepers Universidade do Extremo Sul de Santa Catarina – UNESC, Criciúma-SC, Brasil.
  • Maria Tereza Soratto Universidade do Extremo Sul de Santa Catarina – UNESC, Criciúma-SC, Brasil.


Emergency Medical Services. Nursing. Family Health Program.


This paper aims at presenting the understanding of the Nursing Team and the Communitarian Health Agents (CHA) on
the service of Urgency and Emergency of a Family Health Strategy (FHS) of a town in Santa Catarina State Southernmost
Region. This is a research using a qualitative approach of a field exploratory-descriptive type. Data collection was done
using a half-structured interview having as subjects the FHS Nursing and Communitarian Health Agents teams composed
by: a nurse, six nursing technicians and nine CHA. We used for the analysis of results of the interviews the categories of
analysis proposed by Minayo. The results of the research showed the necessity for an adequate training for the FHS Nursing
and Communitarian Health Agents teams as regards Urgency and Emergence, with the purpose of improving the service
provided to users by means of the qualification of all professionals.


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How to Cite

de Lorenzi D’Agostin, R. ., B. Ceretta, L., T. Schwalm, M., Junkes Hoepers, N., & Soratto, M. T. (2012). The understanding of the Nursing Team of the Family Health Strategy regarding Urgency and Emergency: DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.2012363461467. O Mundo Da Saúde, 36(3), 461–467. Retrieved from