Effects of phonophoresis gel lipolytic assets in abdominal adiposity
DOI: 10.15343/0104-7809.20143804369374
Obesity, Abdominal. Phonophoresis. Ultrasonics.Abstract
Abdominal obesity or android obesity, a known risk factor for diseases, constitutes also an aesthetic problem that prevents
to eliminate localized fat in the abdomen. The objective of this study was to analyze the possible effects of phonophoresis
lipolytic gel for treatment of localized adiposity. This study was characterized as a quasi-experimental research. The sample
consisted of 30 female volunteers, suffering from abdominal fat, not making use of slimming drugs or some other therapy,
not performing any type of physical activity, non pregnant, not bearers of neoplasia, not affected by acute infectious diseases.
Volunteers were excluded if presenting allergy to some active principle, lack of attendance, presence of acute infectious
diseases and / or fever during treatment. As assessment tools we used the Physiotherapy Assessment Protocol in adiposity
located - PAFAL, anthropometric assessment by measures of cutaneous folds, perimetry and ultrasound. We held 10 thera-
peutic ultrasound sessions (phonophoresis) with a 3 MHz frequency, 1.2 W / cm2 intensity, in continuous mode associated
with a gel Lipolytics assets, lasting 12 minutes. The treated area was the umbilicus region of 168 cm2, using a printhead with
4 ERA’s (effective radiation area), each of which is equivalent to 3.5 cm2. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft
Excel software using the paired t test, adopting a significance level of 95% (p < 0.05) .The weight of volunteers practically
remained the same; in circumference and measures of cutaneous folds decreases were not significant; and there was an in-
crease in ultrasound, which was significant. This study demonstrated that the use of phosphotidylcholine phonophoresis by
using ultrasound did not reduce localized adiposity.