Interdisciplinary Monitoring of Civil Servants in Cancer Treatment: The Case of the Ressignificar Program
Occupational Health, Health Promotion, Interdisciplinary Health Team, CancerAbstract
The numbers on oncological illnesses are growing, and cancer is the main public health problem in the world. Work is one of the dimensions of life that change in the process of illness and cancer treatment. The municipal public servant with cancer diagnosis undergoes forensic medical evaluation and may have medical restrictions, professional rehabilitation and even retirement due to permanent disability. This article is a case study with a qualitative approach and its objective is to describe and problematize the Ressignificar Program, created and implemented in a Management Department of a municipality in Baixada Santista, which provides interdisciplinary monitoring of civil servants diagnosed with neoplasia under treatment. Documentary analysis and construction of narratives based on the experiences of six civil servants participating in the Program were carried out. Statistics show a high prevalence of breast cancer in the female population. Among those monitored, 66,07% perform monitoring through periodic examinations, making it possible to return to work, and 33,92% remain in treatment, away from work activities. The medical leaves are long. The narratives reveal experiences of illness, relationship with work, impact of medical leaves and appreciation of the Ressignificar Project. The results show the need for dedication to treatment, the centrality of work (identity, socialization and sustenance) and the fear of uselessness. Readaptation represents a challenge that can be an opportunity. The program has been well accepted, shown to be efficient and relevant, providing civil servants with both institutional and personalized treatment. Other municipalities, public and private institutions are expected to create similar programs.
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