Spirituality and bereavement in perinatal death: a narrative review
Bereavement, Perinatal Death, SpiritualityAbstract
Perinatal death, understood as the death of a fetus between 28 weeks or more of gestation and a live birth less than 28 days old, involves multidimensional aspects of family suffering. Among the existing strategies for dealing with this suffering, spirituality, understood as a personal search for understanding human existential issues and their relationships with the sacred and transcendent, can be a way of giving new meaning to this grieving process. Investigate the influence of spirituality on family bereavement resulting from perinatal deaths. A search was carried out on PUBMED using the DeCs/Mesh descriptors “Bereavement”, “Perinatal death” and “Spirituality” in June 2023. 14 articles were included in this narrative review. Performing rituals that honor the baby's memory, identifying them as a member of the family, favors the process of elaboration and acceptance of bereavement. Self-reflection about the process of loss becomes inherent to re-signify perinatal bereavement as a “natural human experience”. Furthermore, spirituality represents a means of strengthening and giving new meaning for both the mother and family members in the face of the suffering experienced. Finally, there is a lack of qualified health and religious professionals who can systematically approach and improve the process and quality of care for maternal loss. The experience of perinatal bereavement can take on new values and meanings when recognized, respected and assisted by professionals qualified to address the topic, with spirituality being an important aspect in the elaboration of maternal bereavement.
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